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- View all posts labeled finearts, music, and dance (check often for new posts.)
9th Grade Fine Arts (1.0 cr)
NWAC: Advanced Artists: While we explore the artists and techniques of the Impressionist period, students will be encouraged to find their unique, creative voice. We will work with a wide range of mediums including pastel, printmaking, scratchboard, watercolor and acrylic paint. As often as possible, we will work en plein air (in the open air)—just as the Impressionists did. (Ages 11-15)
SVEC: Beginning Fiddle: Each week students will learn a new fiddle tune. They will be introduced to note reading, music theory along with the history & culture of American fiddle music throughout the year.
SVEC: Beginning Irish Dance: Vocabulary and elements of dance, principles of choreography.