See all posts labeled:
social studies,
Washington state history,
U.S. history,
political science,
civics, sociology, international relations, Model U.N.
Washington State History Museum (Tacoma),
Burke Museum (Seattle)
A People's History by Howard Zinn
Washington State History (0.5 cr)
- Community, state, and national government
- African American, Hispanic, Native American, and other ethnic studies
- Urban studies
- Women in our history
- Public education
- Conservation, including human conservation
- Resource management
- Elementary economics
- Labor and management
- Taxation
- Rights and responsibilities of good citizenship
- Advanced map and globe skills
U.S. History (1.0 cr)
- Age of exploration and discovery
- Colonization of America
- U.S. Constitution
- Development of a new nation
- Period of nationalism
- Sectionalism
- American Civil War and Reconstruction
- Struggle for women's rights
- World War I
- The Great Depression
- World War II
- The Cold War
- The nuclear era
- Urbanization
- Role of women in today's societies
- Agriculture in the U.S.
- Urbanization
- Conservation
- Business and industry in the U.S.
Government (0.5 cr)
- Foundations of American democracy
- U.S. Constitution
- Basic documents of the U.S.
- Principles of U.S. government
- Democratic ideals and values
- Political parties and elections
- Civil rights
- Public education
- Labor-management relations
- Economic concepts and theories
- Taxation and finance
- Distribution and exchange of goods and services
- Family economics and management
- Propaganda and public opinion
- Consumer education
- Crime and delinquency
- Problems of mental health
- Psychology
- U.S. as a world power
- American party system
- Comparative governments
- Rise and fall of Communism
- International relations
- American foreign policy
- International organizations
- United Nations
- World geography
Contemporary World Problems (1.0 cr)
- Basic human communities
- Prehistoric peoples
- Earliest civilizations
- Early Greeks
- Early India and China
- Islamic world
- Middle Ages
- African civilizations
- Civilization in the Americas
- Renaissance
- Rise and fall of monarchies
- Birth of modern democracy
- French Revolution
- Industrial Revolution
- Science and industry
- Nationalism
- Imperialism
- World Wars
- Cold War
- Vietnam War
- Collapse of the Soviet Union
- Search for peace
- Comparative cultures and religions
- World interdependence
- World problems and issues
- Role of women in today's societies