Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Science: Zoology: Nudibranchs

Nudibranchs are a from of Gastropods. Nudibranchs are most commonly found in the Indian and Pacific oceans.

There are two classes of  nudibranchs. There are the dorids and the aeolids. Dorids have a plume on there rear that contains their gills. And aeolids have cerata all over there backs to breathe.

Nudibranchs are hermaphroditic which means they have organs for both sexes. But they can't fertilize themselves. Some nudibranchs produce their own toxins while others get toxins from what they eat.

All known nudibranchs are carnivorous. They eat organisms ranging from sea sponges to other sea slugs and their eggs. The name nudibranch comes from the Latin word nudus which means naked and the Greek word  brankhia which means gills.