Thursday, March 12, 2015

Career Tech: Women in Wildlife Careers & Wildlife Rehabilitators

Washington Wildlife Rehabilitators Association where people can get training to become professional wildlife rehabilitators.
Wildlife rehabilitation is a profession involving the treatment and care of sick, injured and orphaned wild animals with the goal of releasing them back to their natural habitats in the wild. Wildlife rehabilitation is not an attempt to turn wild animals into pets. ...released animals must be able to survive on their own and be an integral part of their species population, i.e., recognize and obtain appropriate foods, select mates of their own species to reproduce, and respond appropriately to potential dangers (people, cars, dogs, natural predators, etc.).

...a biology-related degree provides knowledge essential for quality hands-on animal care; develops an understanding of wildlife as they relate to humans and the environment; and gives you an edge in this increasingly competitive field. 
Learn 12 Steps to Protect Wild Animals

Washington State residents should visit the WDFW Wildlife Rehabilitation Web Site to learn about the laws and licenses required to become a rehabilitator.